

What is Therapy

There is no one answer to this, as it looks different therapist to therapist. Therapy with Calum is a collaborative process that is led by you, we work together to identify patterns and barriers to progress, in whatever the issues are for you. Calum understands that it can be an overwhelming experience to consider coming and talking to someone in your difficult moments. Calum is very open to having a chat to see whether his approach fits for you, with no pressure to commit to ongoing therapy.

Medicare Rebates

As an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker Rebates Calum can be provided through the Medicare Better Access Scheme. Clients will need a Mental Health Care Plan from their GP in order to access the rebate. The rebate provided by Medicare for seeing a social worker is $82.30 for up to 10 sessions per calendar year.


Calum charges $220 per hour Mon – Fri during office hours (08:30am – 05:00pm) and $240 per hour for out of hours appointments. For clients who can demonstrate financial hardship, a sliding scale fee can be negotiated depending on needs, but please contact Calum to discuss this.



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